Sunday, 29 November 2015

Shared Planet Parliament walk to Crockern Tor - a Message to COP21 that responding to Climate Change Matters

Dartmoor mizzle with 50 mph winds saw at least 100 people trudge up to Crockern Tor from Two Bridges, some carrying a near life-size polar bear.  The atmosphere was great and it felt good to be there.  Crockern Tor was the site of the ancient Stannary Parliament, where meetings were held in the open air for the governance of the tin industry from early medieval times.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Grenofen by the Walkham River - Remember Sunshine?

I don't know about you, but I NEED the sun, and not just filtered through the clouds to give life.  If I don't see it for a while I start to wither.  So, amid the grey gloom of mizzle that currently resides over Dartmoor and Tavistock, I am posting some shots of the River Walkham at Grenofen when the sun made a rare appearance, just so I don't forget what light at 5500°K looks like (nerdy photographer's reference there, sorry).

River Walkham at Grenofen

Back-lit trees in Autumn at Grenofen

Autumn on Walkham River at Grenofen