Tuesday 11 March 2014

Oslo Odyssey

Spent a few days in Oslo with some dear friends.  I know an Odyssey should be a bit longer, but we certainly did enough to warrant the description.   It's a lovely city on the fjord which should, by all accounts, be covered in deep snow, but the winter there has also been unusual.  The snow was gone from the city itself.  That's not to say that it wasn't cold.  I felt like a human semiconductor going from indoors (boiling) to outdoors (freezing) all the time.

We explored the city, walked in the hills behind and dined on the Waterfront.  It is expensive mind you.  A glass of wine was £12.50.  Cocktails were cheaper strangely.  Oh well, have to save the pennies....

Anyway, I had a brilliant time and here are a few shots as a taste of Oslo:

(Mostly) Frozen Lake above the city of Oslo

Along the footpath from a 'Cabin' where I had an alarming beer that tasted of liquorice.  Nice bun though.

The Oslo Opera House - Superlative Architectural Design - Stunning

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