Thursday 3 November 2016

Dartmoor Autumn Landscape Photographs - Part 1

I don't think I can remember an Autumn like this one.  At all.  Usually a Dartmoor Autumn is typified by brown soggy leaves that turn swiftly into mush in the rain with frantic winds that cannot move them.  Not this Autumn; this one has been absolutely glorious.  We have bathed in warm sunny days with little wind for weeks.  Instead of the leaves turning brown and being whipped off their branches by a series of storms, we have been given a display by Mother Nature, like Gaia's very own firework display in slow motion.  (As an aside, I actually met Professor Lovelock who originally proposed the Gaia Hypothesis back in the 1070s - an incredible man and gentleman scientist across all fields.)

The leaves stop producing chlorophyll which makes them green.  This let the other pigments show, like carotenoids (yellow and orange) and anthocyanins (red, pink and purple).

The beech trees seems to be particularly good with their carotenoids I must say.

Here are a few photographs from a Burrator Walk.

Dartmoor - Burrator Beeches in Autumn
Dartmoor - Burrator Beeches and wall in Autumn

Dartmoor - River Meavy at Burrator in Autumn

Dartmoor - River Meavy at Norsworthy Bridge, Burrator in Autumn

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